Q. 1. Differentiate between a run-time error and syntax error. Give one example of each.
[Hint : Losic & Syntax]
Q. 2. Differentaite between a data type struct and a data type class in C++. What is the need for a constructor function in an object.
[Hint : Structures & Classes]
Q. 3. Is it possible to apply Binary Search for any sorted data? Justify.
[Hint : Yes]
Q. 4. Differentiate between a LIFO list and FIFO list.
[Hint : Stacks & Queues]
Q. 5. Write any two differences between Procedural Programming and Object Oriented Programming.
[Hint : Basic & C++]
Q. 6. What is a pointer?
[Hint : Address variable]
Q. 7. What is a Queue?
[Hint : LIFO]
Q. 8. What is the purpose of comments and indentation in a program?
[Hint : Remark]
Q. 9. List four built-in data types available in C++.
[Hint : Data Types]
Q. 10. Why arrays are called static data structure?
[Hint : Arrangs & Data Types]
Q. 11. Distinguish between serial file and a sequential file.
[Hint : File Hadling]
Q. 12. What do you mean by Inheritence?
[Hint : Classes & Derived Classes]
Q. 13. What are constructors & destructors. What purpose do they serve.
[Hint : Class Functions]
Q. 14. Distinguish between an object and a class.
[Hint : Variables & Data Types]
Q. 15. What is the pre-condition for Binary Search to be performed on a single dimensional array? [Hint : sorting]
Q. 16. Differentiate between a Character constant and a string literal or constant.
[Hint : String]
Q . 17. Differentiate between the privately & publicly derived visibility modes.
[Hint : Local & Global]
Q. 18. What is meant by linear data structure?
[Hint : Serial Data]
Q. 19. What is a Deque?
[Hint : Data Structures]
Q. 20. Differentiate between privately and publicly derived visibility modes.
[Hint : Data Hiding]
Q.21. What is a copy constructor.
[Hint : Member Function]
Q.22. Define the term sorting and searching.
[Hint : Arranys]
Q. 23. Differentiate between static data structure & dynamic structure.
[Hint : Data Types]
Q. 24. Define the following terms: Inheritance & Encapsulation.
[Hint : OOP]
Q. 25. What is a copy constructor. What do you understand by constructor overloading.
[Hint : Function]
Q. 26. Write two major differences between Object Oriented Programming and Procedural Programming.
[Hint : BASIC&C++]
Q. 27. What do you understand by constructor and destructor functions used in classes. How are these functions different from other member functions.
[Hint : Classes & Objects]
Q. 28. Differentiate between ifstream class and ofstream class.
[Hint : Reading/Writing]
Q. 29. Why main function is special. Give two reasons.
[Hint : Program instractions]
Q. 30. What do you understand by visibility modes in class derivations. What are these modes.
[Hint : Public, Private & Protected]